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Hikes Travel

Things to Do around Portland OR with Your Pup

Portland has been on my roadtrip list for a long time. I finally made it happen in June this year. I love all its nature but not so much the downtown. The converge of Willamette River and Columbia River at the city makes everything different. It brings lives to the area and adds to its beauty. Ariel loves the various types of greens and shaded trails. Hiking with dogs in summer is not that miserable afterall.


Top 5 Hiking Trails in the San Francisco Bay Area – Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz

You will find everything in Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz Area such as forests, mountains, lakes, ocean views, and beaches. It’s green year round. Unlike the Peninsula area, it’s also sunny most of the time and feels like SoCal. There are lots to do there. In terms of hiking, I like the 5 trails below the most and they are discussed in the order of my preference.