To me, kayaking is a perfect combination of exercise, natural views, and peaceful moments. This summer, I brought Ariel on board! It’s fun but also requires lots of preparation to kayak with a dog.

To me, kayaking is a perfect combination of exercise, natural views, and peaceful moments. This summer, I brought Ariel on board! It’s fun but also requires lots of preparation to kayak with a dog.
Planning a trip with a dog is hard. I have to either arrange dog-friendly activities and venues or book dog day care in advance. However, the effort is worth it. The trip is more fun and fulfilling when I travel with Ariel. Here are some of my tips on how to travel with a dog, specifically a pet dog like Ariel.
Ariel and I have been on trips frequently enough that I have developed a packing system and identified a list of dog travel accessories that make my life easy. No matter whether it’s packing for myself or for Ariel, I have 5 broad categories: clothes / wearables, eat & drink, sleep, play, and cleaning.
My recommendation is always: stay home, because travelling will expose you to extra risk. If you have to travel, mask up. That’s the easiest and most effective way to stay safe. In addition to masks, I also took other safety measures on my trips.